Definitely a +1 for Dan's suggestions
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 19, 2011, at 17:52, Jason Porter <> wrote:
Good feedback, thanks Dan. I can work on improving along those lines.
Anyone else have ideas or a +1 for what Dan suggests?
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 19, 2011, at 15:44, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen(a)> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 04:17, Jason Porter <> wrote:
> I would greatly appreciate feedback people have for the items in They will be the
base for our getting started guide for Seam 3. The pages are backed by an example that can
be checked out and built (possibly broken right now, I haven't tried to build / run it
for a while).
> Jason, there's a lot of great content in this tutorial so far. I like that you
cite the motivation for each snippet rather than just saying "paste this code".
For instance, you do a nice job explaining the purpose of the BOM and the need for the
Java EE APIs as a provided scope dep. I also like that you forewarn the developer of
potential missteps to prevent them from tripping up early on and getting discouraged.
> I would like to see the tutorial be more development-oriented rather than
configuration-oriented. At first glance of the index, we see that the tutorial is
structured based on the activation of Seam modules (i.e., configuration). Each section
begins with dependency configuration, followed by configuration for activating features of
Java EE or a Seam module. As a reader, I'm looking at this saying "wow, all
I'm doing is configuring stuff"...and that leaves it being very dry. I don't
think this is the right way to structure it.
> (To cite a very specific example, showing the configuration for the transaction
interceptor in beans.xml is way too premature. That should be added once we visit
persistence the first time).
> So we are still stuck in the "I can tell you everything you'll need to setup
so that you can code" mentality. Rather, what we want is, "I want to write code,
stop me when I need to configure something so I can continue writing code." and
"How am I doing?" We need to feed the reader those rewards and assurances.
> What I like about the play framework tutorial is that it focuses on adding some code,
configuring it to run, then seeing the result. To get there with this tutorial, here is
the general idea of the structure I would propose:
> - Starting the project
> (create an alternative version of the first chapter for starting the project using
Seam Forge)
> - Creating your first pages with pretty URLs
> - Querying the database and displaying the results
> - Authenticating a user
> - Handling errors gracefully
> - Writing integration tests
> - ...
> Then you just cover the configuration as it comes along. Take it in stride. If a
developer wants to see just the instructions for how to activate a Seam module, that's
what the reference guide is for. Here we need to be in a flow. You should try to show code
first, then show the configuration to activate it (unless you need the API deps, then
maybe switch it) and finally, tell them how to run the application at that stage.
> For instance, I want to see what's in conferences.xhtml. Maybe at first, it's
just a shell since we haven't queried the database. So we just have placeholders where
the data will be. But at least the user can run it and see that the pretty URLs are
> If you want, at the very beginning of each section you can mention which modules will
get used, and which ones will be activated for the first time. Something like:
> "In this section, we'll setup Seam Faces and use it to map URLs to JSF
views. We'll also use more features of Seam XXX that you configured in the last
> I think you can re-purpose the existing content into this new structure rather
> Let me know if you need more specific feedback.
> -Dan
> p.s. I also think that this structure will make the tutorial a lot more fun to
> --
> Dan Allen
> Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> Registered Linux User #231597
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