On 9 Apr 2009, at 12:58, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Dan, as discussed before this is a broken design - duplicates on
>>> a classpath is not illegal; only the first one should be listened
>>> to AFAIK.
>>> Snjezana, if you remove the seam.jar from web-inf/lib does the
>>> compilation still work ? Or is it WTP that is putting it in there
>>> for us ?
>> The compilation always works.
>> WTP is not putting this file in there. It is possible that earlier
>> versions of JBoss Tools (before releasing JBoss AS 4.2.3) were
>> copying the file to WEB-INF/lib.
> I don't think JBoss tools changed behavior in this aspect. The
> question is if JBT EAR projects actually put the seam jar both in
> ear and in web-inf/lib in the projects (not the deploy).
> That should not have any sideeffects (but it does because of the
> way seam 2.1.x is doing things), but if that is the case then we
> can fix it by not having the web-inf/lib/seam.jar.
I see now that I worded this wrongly.
What I meant was:
If JBT packaging ends up with the deployment having 2 physical
seperate seam.jar jar's then that is wrong.
If JBT packaging ends up with the deployment having 1 physical jar,
referenced from MANIFEST.MF and application.ml then I can't fix that
- and would like to know why that is causing a failure (since it
shouldn't imo)
I think that frameworks assume they will only get a resource back once
from the classloader, not multiple times. We do in Seam, and JSF does
too. As discussed, file an issue for both, it's easy to fix using an
LinkedHashSet to remove dupes.
> /max
>> Snjeza
>>> /max
>>>> -Dan
>>>> --
>>>> Dan Allen
>>>> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
>>>> NOTE: While I make a strong effort to keep up with my email on a
>>>> daily
>>>> basis, personal or other work matters can sometimes keep me away
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Pete Muir