A quick look through the modules last night made me aware of two conventions
that we need to clarify.
*Implementation JAR names:*
All modules are following the naming convention seam-%module%-api for the
API JAR. However, the names of the implementation JARs are inconsistent.
There are three naming patterns in use: seam-%module%, seam-%module%-impl
(persistence) and seam-%module%-core (js-remoting)
Several modules use the root name seam-%module% to make it easy to remember
and aesthetic when including as a dependency. However, seam-%module%-impl is
more technically correct since it only contains the implementation classes,
with just a dependency on the API.
My proposed solution is to publish the api and impl JARs as normal, then
publish a third JAR that combines the two into one using the
*Event types:
I'm seeing some event types (the type of the event payload) that use the
suffix "Event" and those that do not. I think we should either have one or
the other...or have rules as to when one is chosen.
My proposed solution is that we should try to use the data object as the
payload with an event qualifier to specify the action if possible. If it
needs to be wrapped to bundle up other information, then the wrapper type
should be named with the Event suffix.
Here are examples of the data object as payload:
@Initialized ServletContext
@Updated @Client DateTimeZone
@Created SeamManagedPersistenceContext <- proposed change
Event wrappers are used when the payload is a composite (and there isn't
already a logical wrapper type). However, I'm finding it hard to come up
with cases where a data object + qualifiers won't suffice. Could also just
be a style thing.
I also think we should push the standard action qualifiers into Seam Solder
(Weld Extensions). Where possible, we should avoid synonyms (e.g., both
@Changed and @Altered). Candidates so far are:
@Updated (or @Changed or @Altered)
@Created (can this just be @Initialized?)
Please note these are suggestions. Feel free to provide feedback.
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597