Hi Stefan, we have talked about something like this, and have prototyped a
plugin architecture in Seam Wiki.
However, we are not ready to productize it yet...
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Stefan Nilsson <thalerion(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Gavin!
My name is Stefan Nilsson, a developer from Sweden, and I am a huge fan of
Jboss Seam. I work at an company which creates webbased quality registers
for the Health care sector. We are in a phase when we are going to create a
platform and I am going to pitch that we use Seam. One questions if you
donĀ“t mind as I am sure you get a lot of email like this. One goal with the
platform is that is going to be modulerized. We will be developing an API
that would allow us to develop plugins/modules for the applications built on
the platform. Once the basic portal/application is up it would be able
start/stop modules and the modules would integrate directly with existing
components in the system, with autenticating, and permission handling. My
knowledge of Seam is only basic and I wonder if there is support for
handling components like this in seam or if we must add anoter framework to
do the job. Do you any frameworks/platforms that would integrate with Seam
like this? My first ideas was to build on Jboss Portal and developing
portlets as modules which would share context through the portal context but
is this the best idea?
Best regards
Stefan Nilsson
Gavin King