+1 - less work in the future is always good. :-)
On 2/25/2011 8:34 AM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
On 25/02/11 18:13, Martin Gencur wrote:
> Hi Shane/others,
> since we need to create a GWT view layer for examples from modules that
> will go to Web Framework Kit product (those which use JSF 2 now), what
> would you say about making these changes directly in community Seam 3
> examples. As you can see at
> example, there would be submodules both for jsf-ui and gwt-ui, the java
> classes would go into "core" submodule.
I'm all for it. The less work we have to do in migrating changes
upstream the better.
> The original idea was to recreate those example and commit them into a
> different (svn) repository. This approach would be real pain if
> something changed in the original examples and we would need to do the
> changes manually in the second repository. Furthermore, adding GWT view
> layer into community Seam would engage the errai-cdi (Seam GWT) more. In
> that case I would start with a config/rescue-princess example.
> Thanks
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