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On 21 Oct 2008, at 19:04, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Another curious one I've bumped into is that @jndiPattern@ is
evaluated to null in Seam 2.1 even though exist.
Same project works fine on Seam 2.0...
> Hi,
> Walking through jira issues for JBT 3 beta1 and I just stumbled into
> which is caused by
> <security:rule-based-permission-resolver security-
> rules="#{securityRules}"/>
> now being in components.xml by default.
> That is for some reason failing for us - probably we are missing a
> drools jar or something ;)
> Before I start finding these changes in 2.1 that might break
> current tools behavior the hard way,
> do you guys got a list of major 2.1 changes that changes lib
> dependencies/startup sequence etc. ?
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