Surely they are two different things,
#{} is used for looking up in an EL context (this is what HV does with
#{} when you are plugged into Seam)
{} is used for ResourceBundle/Message format
I thought there was a pluggable message context in Seam that would
allow us to evaulate EL when in an environment that knows about EL
like WB?
On 21 Aug 2008, at 15:21, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
hi there,
I am currently working on the bean validation implementation and
have a question where I thought you guys might have valuable input.
Basically, I am implementing the message interpolation right now and
according to the spec a message parameter is just enclosed by {}.
The existing code uses #{}. Now the question is, what should it be
and why? The existing #{} is probably inspired by EL, but on the
other hand the the format used by ResourceBundle and MessageFormat
is {}. What should it be?
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