It's been brought to my attention that we have additional issues with
Solder in Glassfish besides the problem with loading extensions without
a beans.xml. We will not be releasing the beta without addressing these
first, as a Seam that doesn't work in Glassfish won't be looked upon
very positively by the community.
On 19/01/11 01:17, Jason Porter wrote:
Yeah, but I really think we need to address Solder in Glassfish
we release. If not for this, then at the bare minimum for final, but
better to get it done sooner than later.
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 03:53, Shane Bryzak<sbryzak(a)> wrote:
> Are the fixes you need in Solder already present in the trunk? If so, I can
> get a release out for you tomorrow.
> On 18/01/11 09:49, Jason Porter wrote:
>> I need a Solder release (I'm working on switching to beans.xml), then
>> I can release the alpha, and a beta quickly for Catch, or we could
>> still keep it at alpha. Though because it's such an integrated piece
>> ideally it should be beta.
>> I think we should all be using the next release of solder if we can
>> make sure it works on Glassfish 3.0.1. I'll send a follow-up email
>> with my latest exception.
>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 04:09, Shane Bryzak<sbryzak(a)> wrote:
>>> Also I forgot to mention, if you have any examples packaged with your
>>> module and they use the XML config module for configuration, can you
>>> please ensure that they're using the latest version (it should actually
>>> be using the one specified in the Seam BOM) and that all the tags are up
>>> to date, as we've gone through a few naming changes.
>>> On 17/01/11 21:06, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> I just wanted to check in with everyone to make sure we're all still
>>>> track for the beta release this week. If your module is still in alpha,
>>>> then ideally it would be nice if your updates for the beta release are
>>>> completed by Wednesday, which will give us enough time to perform a beta
>>>> release for your module (I can do the actual release for you) and then
>>>> have enough time to incorporate it into the overall Seam distribution.
>>>> From all the feedback that we received it looks like this
shouldn't be
>>>> a problem, however if you've come across any last minute hiccups
>>>> let us know and we'll try to get you the help you need.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Shane
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