Yet again, this shows that Java desperately needs a properly module system to work in the
modern world!
On 2 Apr 2010, at 16:10, Dan Allen wrote:
Seam 3 module writers,
Be sure that if you are producing a common type for internal use, such as a
javax.naming.Context, that you qualify it to your module (or purpose). Otherwise, any
other module that provides that type will conflict with your module
Here's an example:
public Context getContext() throws NamingException
return new InitialContext();
Here's another:
public @Produces @ConversationScoped EntityManager getEntityManager()
return entityManager;
These should be qualified. In the first case, perhaps something like this for the foobar
@Produces @org.jboss.seam.foobar.annotations.Module
public Context getContext() throws NamingException
return new InitialContext();
If the type is common, but your module is expected to produce it, then it's okay for
it to be unqualified (@Default qualifier). For example, the international module may be
expected to produce a java.util.Locale. The developer shouldn't use two international
modules, so this is fine. I would call this a @Default type which your module exports. It
would be good to provide this list in your documentation.
If you have any feedback or additional suggestions, feel free to comment.
Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
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