Hi Antoine,
We'll most likely copy much of the Solder functionality for the
DeltaSpike "Common Core" extension. My hope is that any code currently
based on Solder can be easily refactored to use the DeltaSpike Core
extension once it's released, so depending on your timeframe
requirements, my suggestion is that if you need it soon use Solder,
otherwise if you can wait a while then use DeltaSpike.
On 02/12/11 19:24, Antoine Sabot-Durand wrote:
Hi RedHat guys,
Sorry to insist (3rd time I ask) , but I really need to know Solder position regarding
DeltaSpike moving. I plan to use solder more deeply with Generic Bean, but I'm stuck
because I'm not sure it'll be maintain for all CDI impl.
Could you give me a status on that ?
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