On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 09:13 +0100, Martin Gencur wrote:
Hi Shane/others,
since we need to create a GWT view layer for examples from modules that
will go to Web Framework Kit product (those which use JSF 2 now), what
would you say about making these changes directly in community Seam 3
examples. As you can see at
example, there would be submodules both for jsf-ui and gwt-ui, the java
classes would go into "core" submodule.
I think we talked about it more times and this approach demonstrates
more Seam 3 view layer independence.
The original idea was to recreate those example and commit them into a
different (svn) repository. This approach would be real pain if
something changed in the original examples and we would need to do the
changes manually in the second repository. Furthermore, adding GWT view
layer into community Seam would engage the errai-cdi (Seam GWT) more. In
that case I would start with a config/rescue-princess example.
Marek Novotny
Seam Product Lead
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno
Email: mnovotny(a)redhat.com
Office phone: +420 532 294 287, ext. 82-62 087
mobile: +420 608 509 230