ESB 4.9 Released
by Keith Babo
It's our pleasure to announce the release of JBoss ESB 4.9. Here's a
quick rundown of what's new:
o Full HornetQ support : JMS client, JCA inflow and jBPM job/scheduler
o Support for CXF as an alternate web services provider
o Update to Drools 5.1.0 along with feature enhancements to
o Introduction of Camel Gateway, allowing ESB services to be exposed via
Camel endpoints
o ESB actions can now be defined and configured via annotation
o Support for SXC as an alternate, and insanely fast, XPath CBR
o Support for MRG as a JMS Client
The download and docs pages have both been updated for 4.9. Please
check it out when you have a chance and let us know what you think.
ESB Development Team
14 years, 7 months