On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:14 AM Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)hibernate.org>
An alternative that I can think of is as follows. I'm assuming that the
data that needs to be contextualized by the path is mapping in nature
at least not at all represented in the JPA types.
Each (JPA) type instance would be inherently specific to the path it
comes from. It would keep exposing the JPA non contextualized info but
also add contextualized info.
HibernateEntityType<Foo> fooModel =
entityManagerFactory.getMetamodel().entity(Foo.class); // considered a root
for navigation
for (HibernateSingularAttribute sa : fooModel.getSingularAttributes()) {
if (sa.getPersistentAttributeType() == EMBEDDED) {
HibernateEmbeddableType et = (HibernateEmbeddableType) sa.getType();
for (HibernateSingularAttribute esa :
fooModel.getSingularAttributes()) {
if (esa.getPersistentAttributeType() == BASIC) {
int span = esa.getPhysicalInfo().getColumnSpan();
Yes this is quite similar to what I had in mind. One thing I had
envisioned differently was to have sa.getPersistentAttributeType() ==
EMBEDDED translate as the attribute being an EmbeddedAttributeMapping which
gives access to what I think you mean by "physical info".
But other than that, yes I think we see it the same way.