Still letting it percolate :)
On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:35 AM Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)>
I am eager to see what you think of my third option in my email. I
there is a technical blocker somewhere but it would be quite a nice
solution if that's not the case.
On Fri 2016-07-22 14:59, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Some preliminary thoughts are inline. Like I said in the earlier reply I
> am still trying to distill this in total.
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:14 AM Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)
> wrote:
> > The good news is that I am following you :D
> >
> > I think one of the option is some API to which you can pass the (JPA)
> > Type, a Path from root and it would return a structure qualifying the
> > embedded info and not just the embeddable.
> >
> > I'm making things up here
> >
> > //might not even need the type, could be guessed from the Path?
> > AttributeMapping am = mappingProvider.forPath(path);
> >
> > What's nasty is that it then requires two parallel APIs, or rather it
> > would not flow from an enhanced JPA type API.
> >
> Yes, this is more or less one option I had considered... at least the
> general approach is the same. Basically 2 separate, parallel ways to
> describe attribute/mapping info.
> However, that said, even Path (assuming you specifically
> mean javax.persistence.criteria.Path) includes the "context" we need; it
> has to ultimately be rooted back to a root (#getParentPath) with mapping
> information: we cannot build a Path rooted at an embeddable.
> So to further define these 2 "separate, parallel" models:
> 1. Type would only ever deal with the generic model information
> with JPA) by Attribute. Meaning this simply describes the domain
model -
> more or less, obviously it does expose some simplistic persistence
> points like inheritance-type, singular attribute "classifications",
> mandated by the JPA contracts.
> 2. The idea of a "mapping model" would more follow this Path/Binadable
> model. This would be the purpose of persisters and its exposed
> "MappedAttributes"
> Yes, it would be much nicer if we could combine these models/concepts,
> I think the JPA model is just too limited to allow that.
> An alternative would be what I think you propose with the BindableType,
> > that is an extension point that describes the specifics of the
> > specialization when navigating from one node type to another. I think.
> >
> Yes, and no. Based on that break-down above - BindableType would just be
> things that can be part of a Path. In fact, in JPA Bindable/BindableType
> has no correlation to its Type. Bindable simply unifies things that can
> part of a query Path which could be either:
> 1. an EntityType
> 2. a SingularAttribute
> 3. a PluralAttribute
> This distinction is great because it happens to line up with how we see
> this mapping information (with the assumption that a "root" can only ever
> be the first - an EntityType). So I'd slightly alter this list to say
> Bindable can be either:
> 1. an EntityType*
> 2. a SingularMappedAttribute
> 3. a PluralMappedAttribute
> (*) - can be root.
> The idea of "MappedAttribute" would essentially be a composition of
> 1. Attribute
> 2. MappedAttributeContainer - extension of Bindable
> I think that Path will not work for modeling since Path is specifically a
> query concept and could be circular.