[Design of EJB 3.0] - ClientContainer enc handling
by scott.stark@jboss.org
The ejb3 ClientContainer is expecting to find an env entry under the applicationClientName name on the server:
| public ClientContainer(ApplicationClientDD xml, Class<?> mainClass, String applicationClientName) throws Exception
| {
| this.xml = xml;
| this.mainClass = mainClass;
| this.applicationClientName = applicationClientName;
| //Context ctx = getInitialContext();
| Context ctx = new InitialContext();
| enc = (Context) ctx.lookup(applicationClientName);
| NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> e = enc.list("");
| while(e.hasMore())
| {
| NameClassPair ncp = e.next();
| log.debug(" " + ncp);
| }
| encEnv = (Context) enc.lookup("env");
However, how the client enc is expected to function is that the lookup of "java:comp/env" maps to the server side context bound under the applicationClientName. There is no server side env under the client. The deployment was a j2ee 1.4 deployment. We need to merge the client deployer logic and client container. What refactoring were you going to be doing on the ejb3 client?
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18 years, 1 month