[Other JBoss Development Design] - Help needed in design and suggestions requested
by johanwasserman
If I'm in the wrong forum, please direct me to the right one...
I need to develop a colaboration/groupware solution. Here's a brief overview of the requirement:
1. Different Companies need to register and their data need to be kept safe and unaccesable by other users of the system.
2. Good mail system (Gmail as example)
3. A calandering/scheduling system that will be able to accept Exchange meeting requests
4. Tasks and task management
5. Project tracking and management (tasks within projects)
6. Document management and controll
7. Be portal driven, because many other apps will join the solution (for now, only colab/grpware).
Companies should be able to create (only by invitation) limmited access acounts for their vendors / clients to access some functionality, example seing the calander of a user, but without the detail, so that the limmited user can schedule time for the user, or drawing reports of time spent on the clients project, without seing details of time spent on other clients projects.
All this should be based on: Java and Ajax, JBoss? Apache HTTP? Tomcat? MySQL? Apache DS (directory server)? JBoss Portal server? Jetspeed2? Pluto? ---- I need help friends!
I need guidence on what to use and how to start, I guess JBoss is a good app server, and JBMS is an acceptable mail server, where to go next.
This is an opensource project, and I will register it on sourceforge and anywhere else you suggest. But I need guidence on the initial design, and just a boot in the right direction. I'd really like this to become a kick @ss project that will put ears on every other solution out there.
Partner developers welcome, anyone who can do a good job and participate in their free time welcome, this is going to be a non-proffit, opensource solution.
You are welcome to contact me direct: johanwasserman(a)hotmail.com
I'd really like to drive this to a speedy end result, at good quality. Anything we need, we'll see what we can do.
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18 years, 3 months