[Design of JBoss Eclipse IDE (dev)] - Re: Max -- followup to our JBossWorld conversation re: SEAM
by hxp
Max --
Thanks for your quick and detailed response!
"max.andersen(a)jboss.com" wrote :
| Gavin is busy doing other things; so feel free to attack it ;)
Gee, I was hoping it was all done for us ;-)
"max.andersen(a)jboss.com" wrote :
| of course. Just need someone to step up and contribute ;)
I'm catching your drift.... let me see if I can carve out some cycles within the intensity of my current projects, and take a closer look at what I can contribute.
I grabbed 2.0.0.Alpha1a recently, and will sometime soon be checking to see if there are any current rev-eng/generator/template compatibility problems vis-a-vis Seam 1.0.1.GA &/or the JEMS installer 1.2.0's portal profile.
I really would like to do the full FreeMarker template set for a Facelets version.
(+ an early call for collaborators: if any Hibernate gurus have sample java or jsp source chunks they can post on this thread for what would be the optimal generated output in terms of working with composite keys and recursive associations, I'd be happy to convert and merge them into FreeMarker templates for generating the Facelets xhtml and the backing EJB3 Session bean.)
anonymous wrote :
| Great to see you back - and I hope you find time to contribute :)
Thanks for the warm welcome again, and while it won't be this week, I'll definitely be back in touch on this thread with detailed replies to each of yours.
-- Howard "hxp" Pearlmutter
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18 years, 5 months