CEAI CDC - Production-Ready Associated Press OSTN Video News Portlet/Channel
by Dheeraj Kumar (CampusEAI Consortium)
Many of our members have requested for more compelling content for their
Oracle/uPortal/Liferay campus portals. Based on this need, CEAI has
secured a special license agreement with the Associated Press to use
Associated Press video news content and Associated Press' embedded news
player. Based on the special license agreement with AP, this content is
provided at no cost to all the CEAI, JA-SIG and Jboss Members.
In addition to Associated Press' news content, Associated Press has also
agreed to carry OSTN News' student-produced news content on their
embedded news player! As you may know, OSTN News is the first
collegiate news show where students report the hottest stories from
around the US, UK and Canada. The stories are based on news events that
are of interest to college-age students.
To provide this content through a Portal, CEAI in collaboration with
University of Montana has developed a JSR-168/WSRP compliant Associate
Press OSTN News Portlet/Channel. This portlet/channel is being provide
to the community on an open source basis. We have successfully tested
this portlet/channel against Oracle Portal and Liferay Portal. We are
looking for a brave volunteer institution that would like to deploy/test
this against Jboss Portal.
Attached is the WAR file which can be deployed on your portal. Please
let me know if you would like to volunteer or if you have any
questions/problems implementing this portlet/channel.
*Dheeraj Kumar* <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
Community Development Coordinator
*Work:* 216-589-9626 ext. 217 <sip:217@asterisk.campuseai.org>
*Email:* dheeraj_kumar(a)campuseai.org <mailto:dheeraj_kumar@campuseai.org>
*Fax:* 216-589-9639
* *
**CampusEAI Consortium* <http://www.campuseai.org>
1940 East 6th Street - 11th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2225
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16 years, 6 months
[Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: jPDL 4 early feedback
by alex.guizar@jboss.com
I believe we should have a validating parser all the time. This would have two benefits:
* the jPDL parser would be simpler because it would not have to concern itself with checking constraints that are already expressed in the schema document.
* error reporting to users would be better, because we can capture the syntax error list from the XML parser and return it along the semantic errors detected by the jPDL parser.
On the other hand I understand that users that always enter schema-valid documents (such as those produced by the designer) would want to save the overhead of validation. The configurable XML parser that you propose would be the solution there.
A separate validation step is less useful in my view, because it adds more overhead compared to the validate-as-you-parse approach.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4161253#4161253
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4161253
16 years, 6 months
[Design of POJO Server] - Re: Integrating aop.xml information into metadata view
by adrian@jboss.org
"scott.stark(a)jboss.org" wrote : Moving this dev thread to here.
| http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jboss-development/2008-June/012271.html
| The ejb3 layer is looking to aop for some of its metadata and we need inverted to be looking at metadata/metadata repository to have an externalized, authoritative view. Carlo's point on the dev thread was about the default jndi binding policy.
| Kabir had been working on a metadata view of the aop.xml. We are doing some integration with this view metadata repository loaders (I believe). The point of this thread is how to properly integrate the various aop metadata info into the jboss-metadata view.
I don't understand why you a reinventing the wheel here?
The MDR was designed to do this kind of processing.
For the JNDI example on the mailing list, you just need something
that deploys that default JNDIBindingPolicy annotation in the "Server" scope.
I'll bet you'll come up with examples where this is not possible,
and then I'll have to explain why you're doing it wrong or making
overly complicated. ;-)
NOTE: I don't really expect that we can fully take advantage the MDR yet,
until Kabir has implemented my feature request where AOP domains
(and their aop config) are associated with the MDR scopes.
e.g. being able to create an AOP domain in the EJB3 subsystem scope
that is a parent of all EJB3 deployments and whose AOP config doesn't interfere
with other subsystems.
This instead of the current ejb3 or jboss messaging aop config hacks
(two different solutions) is the more generic solution that can then
be used by all subsystems.
It's even more generic than that, because you can override the subsystem
scope/config with an application level aop domain/config, etc.
This also shows that the scoped MDR is not just about annotations, but about generic
configuration, e.g. the AOP domain.
Have a nice weekend. ;-)
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4161244#4161244
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4161244
16 years, 6 months