[Design of Security on JBoss] - Re: Bringing together an unified security view
by tom.baeyens@jboss.com
"mark.proctor(a)jboss.com" wrote : Portal already has a use case driven Identity component, so Julian's requirements and code should be taken into account.
the current layering of the portal identity component is a no go for jbpm.
Julien, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is not in the model of the data. I think we can easily find a common datamodel. The problem is in the pluggability layer of the portal component.
Portal defines a session facade interface that provides access to users and group objects. Those objects themselves don't expose relation getters. Instead, the session facade contains the methods for traversing the relations.
The motivation for the ession facade approach is to have different implementations. One for DB with hibernate, one for LDAP and so on.
>From jBPM perspective, what I would like is for the shared identity component to look like this:
* a set of java classes with getters and setters also for the relation properties.
* hibernate persistence for those classes
* JSF UI components as building blocks to create a identity management console.
Then portal can still leverage such a component as 1 implementation (the DB/hibernate impl) of their own identity abstraction interfaces.
I don't think it is feasible in the short term to come up with an interface that suits all requirements and that can switch between DB, LDAP and maybe other stores like e.g. XML files. But I do think it is feasible to create 1 implementation of a DB-schema/Java objects/hibernate mappings that everyone can leverage, leaving the abstraction interfaces still to the individual projects.
E.g. in our case, those abstraction interfaces are on a per-use-case basis: an assignment handler for assigning a task to a user or a set of candidates. and an email address resolver that converts user ids into email adresses.
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17 years, 3 months
[Design of Security on JBoss] - Re: Bringing together an unified security view
by julien@jboss.com
I understand that Seam can be leveraged for integrating software nicely, but it should not be a requirement for using it.
"anil.saldhana(a)jboss.com" wrote : Instance Based ACL Implementation
| I talked to Scott about Seam Security and the instance based security that is important for Non-AS projects like Drools, Portal, jBPM and Seam.
| There are two prominent projects that have tried to solve instance based security:
| 1) OSAccess from OpenSymphony [1] through [3] (A dead project now)
| 2) Acegi Security for Spring [4]
| I also point you to an article on IBM Developer Works for differences between container authorization (typically RBAC) and Data Driven Authorization (Instance Based).
| What we will provide:
| A simple library that does a mapping between roles structure (groups, nested roles etc) and instance based crud (bits representing CRUD). The key here is to keep it simple and fast. The library can have pluggable implementation strategies like hibernate, ldap, cache whatever.
| Integration for Drools, jBPM, Portal etc:
| Scott feels that they should integrate via Seam (same opinion from Proctor) because Seam is AS agnostic. They can integrate with JBoss Security to play nice with JBAS. Seam can then make use of the ACL implementation to provide other integration faces to different containers (WS, WL etc).
| References:
| OSAccess
| [1] http://wiki.opensymphony.com/display/OS/OSAccess
| [2] https://osaccess.dev.java.net/
| [3]http://osdir.com/ml/java.open-symphony.devel/2002-07/msg00035.html (Note: Steve Ebersole in the mail)
| Acegi Security For Spring
| [4] http://www.acegisecurity.org/acegi-security/apidocs/index.html
| Look at the packages: org.acegisecurity.acl, org.acegisecurity.acls and their subpackages
| Authorization Concepts and Solutions for J2EE Applications
| [5]http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0607_i...
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17 years, 3 months