[Design of JBossXB] - Re: JBossXB-2.0.0.CR5
by alex.loubyansky@jboss.com
I wanted to mention sporadic errors I saw today. The current results are:
tests: 638
errors: 308
failures: 8
But there was a run where I got
tests: 638
errors: 388
failures: 12
The errors were related to not being able to find getter methods for properties. The reason was that instead of introspecting the class which had both getter and setter methods for a property, an interface that declared only the setter method for that property and which was implemented by the class was introspected.
For that reason all the tests (224) in org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.test failed.
Example of the exception message:
Expected a getter for annotations in org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.support.model.BeanMetaData at org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.support.model.BeanMetaData.annotations at org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.support.model.AbstractBeanMetaData.beans at org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.support.model.AbstractKernelDeployment.beanFactories at org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object.mc.support.model.AbstractKernelDeployment
W/o making any changes just rebuilding and rerunning the issue went away.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4088086#4088086
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17 years, 3 months
[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Problem deploying bean with a property annotation
by alesj
"alesj" wrote :
| Will see what we can do with a property w/o any value.
What should be a proper handling of this?
This is where is all starts:
ConfigureAction --> Set joinPoints = configurator.getPropertySetterJoinPoints(info, metaData);
| public static Set<TargettedJoinpoint> getPropertySetterJoinPoints(BeanInfo info, BeanMetaData metaData) throws Throwable
| {
| boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
| if (info == null)
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null bean info");
| if (metaData == null)
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null bean metadata");
| Set<TargettedJoinpoint> result = new HashSet<TargettedJoinpoint>();
| Set<PropertyMetaData> propertys = metaData.getProperties();
| if (propertys != null && propertys.isEmpty() == false)
| {
| ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(metaData);
| for (Iterator i = metaData.getProperties().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
| {
| PropertyMetaData property = (PropertyMetaData) i.next();
| // PERHAPS ADD CONDITION HERE - if non null value meta data on property?
| TargettedJoinpoint joinPoint = getPropertySetterJoinPoint(trace, info, cl, property);
| result.add(joinPoint);
| }
| }
| return result;
| }
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4088001#4088001
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4088001
17 years, 3 months