[Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: JSF setting default values
by woo37830
Okay, trying to nav to two different places depending upon a variable that gets set by an action.
here is the n:nav tag
<n:nav outcome="transition" url="#{nid == '0' ? 'home.jsf' : 'task.jsf?id=#{nid}'}" storeMessages="true" />
Now I think that the expression parser is getting confused because there is a #{variable} inside of the outside #{string}.
Is there another way to do this? I'm thinking of writing a tag that takes a trueValueVariable and a falseValueVariable and a condition and target.
If the condition is true, it assigns the trueValueVariable to the target, else it assigns the falseValueVariable.
NOW, the question is will the n:nav tag handle a url="#{target}" where the target was the name of the target variable in the previous assignment via the action?
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16 years, 2 months
[Design of JBoss Deployment Framework] - SAR Deployment Deployers Ordering
by richard.opalka@jboss.com
Relates to: JBWS-2246
Usecase 1: Service archive (.sar) with POJO web service endpoint (.war archive inside).
Usecase 2: Service archive (.sar) with EJB web service endpoint (.jar archive inside).
Problem Description:
Both usecases work fine when we deploy service archive to already running AS instance (using hot deploy feature).
The problem appears when service archive is present in deploy directory at AS startup time.
Current JBossWS Deployers Architecture:
There are three JBossWS deployers registered with the JBoss Main Deployer which order is important:
EJBDeployer < WebServiceDeployerEJB < WarDeployer
WebServiceDeployerPreJSE < WarDeployer < WebServiceDeployerPostJSE
When sar deployment (containing .war) is in place the war archive deployment order is different comparing to when war archive is deployed standalone :(
Q1: Is it correct deployers behavior?
Q2: Shouldn't war or ejb archive inside .sar archive be deployed later?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4186027#4186027
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16 years, 2 months
[Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - How To Handle Message Selectors in Ordering Groups
by gaohoward
How To Handle Message Selectors in Ordering Groups
The issue is:
Messages dropped by a message selector are not really 'removed' by the JMS server, to the receiving consumer the messages seemed dropped. The ordering group cannot simply forget the dropped messages, because the messages dropped by one consumer may be acceptable by another consumer (with a different selector or even without a selector). That will make it difficult to handle.
Suppose we have 10 messages, and there are two consumers with different selectors. The first consumer starts to receive with a selector only accepts the last 5 messages. The second consumer starts to receive with a selector that only accepts the first 3 messages. Suppose the two consumers work serially, under normal case both consumers can received their messages. But if the messages belong to a ordering group, after the first consumer has received the last 5 messages, the second can never get the 3 messages because if it can, the ordering is broken. Actually all the first 5 messages will stay in the JMS Server forever!
In programming, handling ordering groups with selectors will cause complicated state management and subtle delivery controls, and that perhaps still wouldn't make it possibly work. I tried to change the code and stopped half way simply for fear of totally messing things up and totally ruining my previous work.
So here I suggest not to support ordering group with message selectors at all.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4186025#4186025
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16 years, 2 months