[Design of JBoss Deployment Framework] - Re: Designing of jain-slee deployers for Jboss5.
by vicky.kak@jboss.com
"alexandrem" wrote :
| At the moment one issue has come which is the fact that the SLEE Deployer will require SLEE to be deployed before it processes any DU's.
| If I leave the deployer in the server//deployers folder it starts before SLEE and so it fails when some DUs are delivered, because SLEE is not initialized yet.
It looks like the deploy(...) of the SleeDeployer( which extends AbstractSimpleRealDeployer) is getting called before the Slee related MBeans are deployed.
I am not sure about the latest code so can't say much about it.
The SleeDeployer should be dependent on the slee:service=JSLEEDeployer MBean, shold it not be?
Is this the code where it fails
public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit, SLEEDeploymentMetaData sdmd) throws DeploymentException
| {
| if(sdmd != null)
| {
| System.out.print("Called deploy("+unit+")");
| try
| {
| ObjectName name = new ObjectName("slee:service=JSLEEDeployer");
| String operationName = "accepts";
| Object[] params = new Object[]{new DeploymentInfo(new URL(unit.getName()), null, server)};
| String[] signature = new String[]{params[0].getClass().getName()};
| server.invoke( name, operationName, params, signature );
| operationName = "init";
| server.invoke( name, operationName, params, signature );
| operationName = "create";
| server.invoke( name, operationName, params, signature );
| operationName = "start";
| server.invoke( name, operationName, params, signature );
| }
| catch ( Exception e )
| {
| // TODO Auto-generated catch block
| e.printStackTrace();
| }
| }
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16 years, 1 month