[Design of JBoss Profiler] - Re: Build issue
by rhills
I think it's a problem with windoze and java and file/directory deletion. I'm sure I've seen it in the past. That said, I'm also using Tortoise SVN, so it may be contributing somehow.
The problem went away when I rebooted my notebook. I tend to use "resume" mode a lot as I travel to work by train and I just shut the lid when I get to my station. This afternoon on the way home, the problem happened again. this time I noticed that the "build" directory didn't go away after a "clean". If I manually deleted the "build" directory, there'd be no error, but it wouldn't go away. I tried via both file mangler and via the command line, same result. After rebooting, the "build" directory was gone and the build process worked again.
Anyway, thanks for adding the eol-style, I'll see if it helps. I might also try a different version of java, though I'd prefer to stick with GA releases of 6 where I can.
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