What are the plans for seam 2.x?
by Denis Forveille
It seems that everybody get very excited about the development of Seam
v3 and that's cool.
But what about the development of Seam v2?
As discussed in the weld forum, us, users of seam v2/EJB 3.0 but poor
non glassfish v3 (or JBoss v6) users will have to wait for months
before we'll be able to use weld and seam v3 in production.
The question is what are the plans to maintain seam v2.2 until 1) seam
3 is GA and 2) WebSphere/Oracle/WebLogic/<name your production AS
here> offer a JEE6 …
[View More]compliant version of their AS?
All our development is based now on Seam v2 (and I hope many other
users in the world..) and we are very happy with it but I think a
clear statement should be made on the strategy for Seam v2.x in the
meantime for the current Seam users. Or maybe it is somewhere and i
missed it?
Personally I will continue to commit bug fixes when I see the fit for
this in Seam v2.x but what about the rest of you guys? At some point
I'll for sure try to participate to the Seam v3/Seam v2 integration
module when the time will come to migrate our apps (And WebSphere will
provide an implementation of CDI).
Is there a planned released date of Seam v2.2.1? (There are currently
1000+ JIRA entries for Seam v2, 100+ assigned to Seam v2.2.1)
Will we have a Seam v2.2.2 (or maybe v2.3) in the future?
Also for seam v2.0.3 which is in CR since months, should it be
possible to either release this version or cancel it? thanks
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15 years, 1 month
Build progress
by Pete Muir
I have made a lot of progress with this - the structure has been updated. I will document it tomorrow, as well as deploy snapshots :-)
For now you will need to check out both the dist/trunk and the build/trunk/parent modules and deploy locally.
15 years, 2 months
Where to place functional tests in the (SVN) repository?
by Karel Piwko
Hi all,
I would like to commit functional tests into the SVN repository.
These tests are supposed to exercise functionality of the examples
provided with seam3-modules, weld-examples and/or special examples which
will exercise functionality through multiple seam3-modules (Example).
This tests are basically a multi-module Maven project where each
module is a test scoped dependency of the one of the Example.
I need to have own version tree within a repository, because
I would like to be able …
[View More]manage them individually without being stored in
the Example.
So, I would like to store them in https://svn.jboss.org/repos/weld/ftest
for Weld and https://svn.jboss.org/repos/seam/ftest for Seam 3,
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15 years, 2 months
Scheduling Extension
by Peter Royle
What needs to happen in order for the scheduling extension to graduate from the sandbox into being a /real/ module? What should I aim for?
15 years, 2 months
Modules have been moved
by Shane Bryzak
Just a heads up to everyone about a slight SVN restructuring - I've
moved each of the Seam modules (previously in /repos/seam/modules/trunk)
into their own "top level" project. So for example, Seam PDF is now in
/repos/seam/modules/pdf/trunk, Seam Mail is in /seam/modules/mail/trunk,
etc. This will give us better control over the release cycle (tagging,
etc) for individual modules, and also allow us to branch individual
We've still got some cleaning up to do and it's even …
[View More]questionable as to
whether some modules should even still be there, however you can expect
some major refinement over the next month or so.
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15 years, 2 months
Seam 3 development
by Piotr Steininger
Seam Team,
My name is Piotr (Peter) Steininger and I am a former Amentra/RedHat
consultant living in the Washington, DC area. I've worked on a number of
consulting projects using Seam 2 as a solutions architect and a tech/dev
lead. I learned to love a lot of Seam's features (and got to know a lot of
it inside and out), and got to experience many challenges of using Seam in
(both technical and political). Since the experience I gained has been
paying my bills for a while, I feel that this is …
[View More]the time to pay back, and
invest my time and skills into Seam and Weld, which I am very excited about
and want to promote for future projects.
So I'd like to contribute to Seam 3 code in some way, to accelerate the time
line. I would also love to help build some solid examples (beyond booking,
number guess, etc - something with hands and legs - I have a few ideas,
which I'll be putting down on paper pretty soon).
I checked out the sources for modules one by one, but I can't seem to build
some of them (ie. seam-bpm). Maven complains that it can't find
seam-parent:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. I found a trace of it on repository.sonatype.org(
but no pom, just metadata.
How can I get around it?
I have to admit I am totally new to the process of contributing to
open-source since I've been on consulting gigs pretty much behind closed
doors, so I am not sure where to start. I tried to find some more detailed
developer docs, but I probably did not dig deep enough.
I appreciate in advance any advice and direction.
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15 years, 2 months
JBoss Web Framework Kit and Seam
by Arbi Sookazian
As if EE6 wasn't novel and confusing enough with the change of names like
Web Beans to CDI, EJB Lite and new web/full profiles concept, etc. Now we
have some presumably new product offerings from JBoss:
This one comes from out of nowhere: GWT, RichFaces, Struts, Spring, but no
Seam. No Seam. And I thought that RichFaces was an AJAX component library
for JSF. But no mention of JSF in the datasheet. Fantastic.
Oh but wait....
"Along with …
[View More]leading JBoss technologies Hibernate and Seam,
JBoss Web Framework Kit will be included in Red Hat Java
Enterprise Edition application server solutions, JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform and JBoss Enterprise Web
Platform to provide a complete, integrated environment
that supports any type of Java application. For deployments
that use the Apache Tomcat component of JBoss
Enterprise Web Server, JBoss Web Framework Kit can be
easily added to help round out any lightweight Java application
I thought EJB Lite and web profile in EE6 was "lightweight", no? Or not
"light" enough? Because Tomcat starts up so fast.
So is JBoss/Redhat trying to gobble up some of SpringSource's customers and
market share and thus boost revenue?
Seam can integrate with Spring as was shown in SiA book. So why isn't Seam
included in this new JBoss WFK?
And does Redhat JEE app server mean JBoss 6 AS? And if yes, does that mean
JBoss 6 includes this WFK? Is it available in the current AS 6.0.0.M1
[View Less]
15 years, 2 months
JBoss Web Framework Kit and Seam
by Arbi Sookazian
As if EE6 wasn't novel and confusing enough with the change of names like
Web Beans to CDI, EJB Lite and new web/full profiles concept, etc. Now we
have some presumably new product offerings from JBoss:
This one comes from out of nowhere: GWT, RichFaces, Struts, Spring, but no
Seam. No Seam. And I thought that RichFaces was an AJAX component library
for JSF. But no mention of JSF in the datasheet. Fantastic.
Oh but wait....
"Along with …
[View More]leading JBoss technologies Hibernate and Seam,
JBoss Web Framework Kit will be included in Red Hat Java
Enterprise Edition application server solutions, JBoss
Enterprise Application Platform and JBoss Enterprise Web
Platform to provide a complete, integrated environment
that supports any type of Java application. For deployments
that use the Apache Tomcat component of JBoss
Enterprise Web Server, JBoss Web Framework Kit can be
easily added to help round out any lightweight Java application
I thought EJB Lite and web profile in EE6 was "lightweight", no? Or not
"light" enough? Because Tomcat starts up so fast.
So is JBoss/Redhat trying to gobble up some of SpringSource's customers and
market share and thus boost revenue?
Seam can integrate with Spring as was shown in SiA book. So why isn't Seam
included in this new JBoss WFK?
And does Redhat JEE app server mean JBoss 6 AS? And if yes, does that mean
JBoss 6 includes this WFK? Is it available in the current AS 6.0.0.M1
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15 years, 2 months