Agreed. JSR 107 is really not useful at all as I discovered working with it.
Supporting the native apis sounds like a good idea (at least until we have a
decent API for caching and data grids)
2011/4/12 Peter Muir <pmuir(a)>
As discussed on the issue @CacheScoped doesn't really work with
as it doesn't push changes to references to the cache so better to have
people inject the cache and do this manually.
Re jsr107 there is not really a finalised api, and what there is is pretty
basic. IMO better to support the native Apis of infinispan and ehcache
directly until jsr107 is done. Our cdi support in infinispan will provide
this so i suggest focusing on ehcache or you're very welcome to help with
infinispan, send me mail off list (as I can't get on irc for a bit) and we
can sync up on im...
Pete Muir
On 12 Apr 2011, at 03:46, George Gastaldi <gastaldi(a)> wrote:
Anyway, here is my idea of Seam cache : <>
Maybe could be integrated on Infinispan module.
<>I implemented a @CacheScoped
extension using JSR 107. The cache must be previously initialized. There is
a test case to prove this.
2011/4/11 Shane Bryzak < <>sbryzak(a)>
> Pete already started work on this [1] (built on top of the Infinispan
> integration that he wrote as part of the Seam Cloud module), however we
> decided that it would be better as an integration project under the
> Infinispan umbrella [2]. If you'd like to contribute to this, I suggest
> that you contact him directly to coordinate efforts.
> [1] <>
> [2] <>
> Shane
> On 12/04/11 06:41, George Gastaldi wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to propose a new module on Seam: *Seam Cache*.
> That module would be JSR-107 compatible (essentially Infinispan and
> EhCache) and would allow to:
> 1) @Inject Cache cache;
> 2) Provide a new scope @CacheScoped(regionName="xx"). That would live for
> the time of the cache configured by the region name itself.
> The module should be tested on Inifinispan and EhCache.
> What do you guys think ?
> Regards,
> George
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