Also, I know that Marius has been hard at work on the Seam Spring
module, and is planning on releasing an Alpha shortly. I would really
like to include this in the 3.1 release if possible, and if that means a
short delay to the final release date then I think it's worth it.
On 25/10/11 19:42, Shane Bryzak wrote:
Hi all,
We've just finished rolling out Beta4 today, you can find the release
announcement here:
Thanks to the whole team for the hard work, we managed to close quite
a lot of issues for this release. We'll be doing another beta release
to address the remaining issues that are outstanding for 3.1. Module
leads, could you please review the open issues for your module/s for
3.1 and bump any to the 'Future' that we won't be able to address in
time. Likewise, if there are any outstanding issues that you think
should be included in 3.1 but aren't, please set a fix version of
3.1.0.CR1 so that we can address it.
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