Clarity as to what the branches are for. Scaling isn't an issue IMO.
Though since we altered the names of the EAP branches to JBPAPP this
is less of a problem.
BTW I'm not wedded to this scheme, if people don't like/there is a
good reason we can alter it to single level :-)
Anyone else got an opinion?
On 15 Sep 2008, at 16:36, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
What's the benefit of the split? Are you afraid of branches
Look at JBoss AS, a simple dir scales pretty well
Emmanuel Bernard |
Hibernate Search in Action (
On Sep 15, 2008, at 11:20, Pete Muir wrote:
> On 12 Sep 2008, at 15:18, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> On Sep 12, 2008, at 03:12, Marek Novotny wrote:
>>> Emmanuel,
>>> this layout wasn't invented only by me ;-). The layout of
>>> branches (and only branches) was discussed with Pete, Samson,
>>> Isaac, Shane and me (related thread was also in seam-production-
>>> list).
>> This is something that did not need to be discussed behind closed
>> doors it seems.
> Apologies, this was an oversight :( Can we have that discussion now?
>>> WRT tools - we don't consider tools, fisheye can be set up to
>>> custom layout. What other tools you meant?
>> Have you tried using this feature and get it integrated with JIRA?
>> I remember we had loads of problems on the Hibernate side.
>> I personally don't care that much but it seems to be an
>> unnecessary annoyance.
> Maybe I don't use the right tools?
> * For JIRA we use the subversion plugin which AFAIK doesn't do
> anything with the svn conventions. The fisheye plugin looks ok too.
> * For Fisheye I see the problem, but Marek can fix it apparently.
> * Eclipse works with absolute URLs AFAICT
> What actually breaks? If there is a real problem here we can
> rethink this.
>>> Emmanuel Bernard napsal(a):
>>>> I can totally see all the tools relying on the fact that
>>>> branches are inside branches and not two level behind break.
>>>> Bye bye fisheye and co.
>>>> Note sure what the community / enterprise directories buy you
>>>> except pain.
>>>> --
>>>> Emmanuel Bernard
>>>> |
>>>> |
>>>> Hibernate Search in Action (
>>>> On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:20, Marek Novotny wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I have transformed Seam SVN branches to new structure agreed
>>>>> with Pete, which now more emphasizes community and enterprise
>>>>> (EAP) branches.
>>>>> The following branches are transformed:
>>>>> -->
>>>>> -->
>>>>> -->
>>>>> -->
>>>>> --
>>>>> Marek Novotny
>>>>> --
>>>>> JBoss Seam Product Lead
>>>>> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
>>>>> Purkynova 99
>>>>> 612 45 Brno
>>>>> Email: mnovotny(a)
>>>>> Office phone: +420 532 294 287, ext. 82-62 087
>>>>> mobile: +420 608 509 230
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>>>>> seam-dev(a)
>>> --
>>> Marek Novotny
>>> --
>>> JBoss Seam Product Lead
>>> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
>>> Purkynova 99
>>> 612 45 Brno
>>> Email: mnovotny(a)
>>> Office phone: +420 532 294 287, ext. 82-62 087
>>> mobile: +420 608 509 230
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