Two points here
- you are assuming that there is the same performance overhead in
seam2. Not true, assuming you don't apply an interceptor explicitly
(security @Restrict, @Transactional, there is minimal overhead
(maximum is the lookup of the object in a context, or for dependent,
- using a producer field is even lighter
- this does raise the point that we don't have a truly stateless scope
where the result is produced every time (imagine injecting a produced
user into a session scoped bean. Gavin, any hints?)
Pete Muir
Have you met producer fields yet?
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen(a)>
> I'll start by saying true, on some level that does work. And it's
> reasonable.
> However, it challenges one of the core principles in Seam. You can
> argue
> whether that matters, but let's just follow this point. Seam
> focused on
> avoiding where possible the use of getter methods to access data.
> Instead,
> data was "pushed out" into top-level context variables where they
> could be
> accessed without an intermediary. The reason this was done is to
> avoid
> repeated invocation of getter methods. It's specially a solution that
> targets JSF since JSF bombards getter methods during the life cycle
> processing. Presuming that each method call is intercepted, there
> is a
> moderate to severe performance hit as a result.
> Looking at your case, you have reduced the number of calls to once
> per
> request. That's alleviates the performance problem and allows the
> user to be
> an independent variable for at least the scope of the request.
> However, it
> behaves very badly with a JSF postback. Why? When the request
> begins, JSF
> produces the user, which prior to login is some transient/blank
> User object.
> During the postback, the user logs in, effectively updating the
> User object
> to a managed entity. But what remains in the request scope is the
> transient/blank User object. What you need is for the producer to
> reproduce
> at that point.
> One way around the dilemma I just cited is to redirect before
> render, so as
> to break your association with the current request scope and have
> the user
> produced again on the next request. However, it seems pretty ugly
> to me to
> have to redirect just to clear the result of a request-scoped
> producer
> method you need to reset.
> Would it be possible to have the producer method observe and event
> that
> would force it to produce again? That would solve most of the
> cases....and
> certainly it would solve this case.
> If that isn't possible, you have to change the scope of @Produces
> @LoggedIn
> getCurrentUser() to @Dependent, which is nothing more than an alias
> for the
> getter method...the point I started with.
> -Dan
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
>> This is something that was quite commonly needed in Seam, in part
>> due to
>> the use of outjection. As 299 doesn't support outjection, you need
>> to use
>> the manager pattern:
>> @SessionScoped
>> public class Login {
>> public User user;
>> public Login(@New User user) {
>> // Initialize with an empty, new, user - the "not logged in"
>> user
>> this.user = user;
>> }
>> public void login(User user) {
>> // Log in a real user
>> this.user = user;
>> }
>> @Produces @LoggedIn @RequestScoped
>> public User getCurrentUser() {
>> return user;
>> }
>> }
>> This is much cleaner :-)
>> --
>> Pete Muir
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> --
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
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Gavin King