Hi Dave,
The swing example uses the scheduling aspect of Cron, but not the asynchronous method
invocation. The scheduling provider is configured in the project's pom.xml:
Switch that out for whatever you call your provider project (org.jboss.seam.cron :
seam-cron-scheduling-queuj would follow convention) to start using your QueuJ provider
instead of the Quartz one.
Also the 'seam/cron/tck' project contains some generic tests which can (should) be
run against all provider implementations to prove compatibility. You basically just
provide a testcase which extends either SeamCronSchedulingTCKTest or
SeamCronAsynchronousTCKTest, depending on which part of the SPI you are implementing, add
your provider's classes to the Arquillian deployment archive provided by the base
class and you should suddenly have tests in your project for free. See the
seam-scheduling-quartz and seam-asynchronous-quartz project's pom.xml and test classes
for the full example. Using the seam-cron-parent is important here as it provides most of
the Arquillian setup. That should be the best way for you to know that your provider is
On 23/06/2011, at 3:09 PM, Dave Oxley wrote:
Hi Pete,
I'm glad you like the look of the QueuJ library and I like the idea of adding the
features to Seam Cron with QueuJ as the provider. I've checked out the Cron source and
had a quick look. I want to try and add QueuJ as a provider for the current functionality
initially which shouldn't take too long. Is there a way to configure the swing-example
to use a different Cron provider and if so could you point me in the right direction
please? Firstly though I'm going to work out how to add the QueuJ and UtilsJ libraries
to the Maven central repository.
On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 08:19:00 AM Peter Royle wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Just from the brief look I've had at this is looks very impressive. I would love
to help out with Seam 3 compatibility. I have a task to document the Seam Cron SPIs, and
the process for providing a new implementation. Once I have done that I will let you know
(you might like to watch this task as well:
If you want to get started right away the existing Quartz Scheduling implementation should
be a good place to start:
https://github.com/seam/cron/tree/master/providers/scheduling/quartz . Due to the very
limited functionality of Cron right now, implementing a new provider is fairly
straightforward. I recommend checking out and building the whole project as described here
then digging into the code. Hit me up on the mailing list or #seam-dev on freenode IRC for
any questions.
> Obviously Seam Cron lacks most of the functionality provided by QueuJ. In those cases
I would love to bring that functionality into the Seam Cron API, with QueuJ being the
first provider to implement those features. Since you know the QueueJ feature set better
than I do, it would be great if you could raise JIRA issues for each bit of functionality
offered by QueuJ but not covered by the Seam cron API/SPI.
> I hope you don't mind I've CC'd the seam-dev mailing list to let them
know there's something awesome going on. If you haven't already joined that list
it would be great if you did.
> Thanks,
> Pete Royle
> On 21/06/2011, at 3:22 PM, Dave Oxley wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Over the last 6 or so years I've developed a Java job queue library as part
of a proprietary framework for the company I work for. I was recently given permission to
split the code from the framework and open source it. I've added a compatibility layer
for Seam 2 as I know Seam 2 fairly well. I haven't had a chance to learn Seam 3 yet
but would like to add Seam 3 compatibility to the library as well.
>> Anyway I thought I'd email you as I see that you're the lead for Seam
Cron which has a partial crossover in goals with my library and therefore I thought you
may be interested in it and/or would like to help out or even just point me in the right
>> The library is called QueuJ and is hosted on sourceforge here:
>> And this is the package with the Seam 2 compatibility code:
>> Cheers,
>> Dave Oxley.
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