Ok,I'm just doing these now, this is my github repository:
I just begin do these work for it.
发件人: Jason Porter
发送时间: 2011-08-04 13:27:55
收件人: yuanqixun
抄送: seam-dev
主题: Re: Re: [seam-dev] Anyone have the CDI extention Guide?
You'll have to read up on creating CDI Portable Extensions, and I strongly recommend
you familiarize yourself with Arquillian and Seam Solder. Aside from that, simply follow
http://seamframework.org/Seam3/ModuleHandbook and you should be good. Start in your own
github repository and let us know when you have something ready to share and we'll
take a look at it.
2011/8/3 yuanqixun <yuanqixun(a)163.com>
oh,I just want to a guideline document for writing ourself module.
For example,I just want to write a seam-bpm module that based Activiti,
How can I do it, and what the specification?
发件人: Jason Porter
发送时间: 2011-08-04 10:11:55
收件人: yuanqixun
抄送: seam-dev
主题: Re: [seam-dev] Anyone have the CDI extention Guide?
There is one on the Seam web site:
www.seamframework.org. On the left hand side navigation
on the bottom.
What is it you'd like to do?
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 3, 2011, at 18:40, "yuanqixun" <yuanqixun(a)163.com> wrote:
Recently, I want to write myself seam module, any guys have some guideline resources?
Please give me any,thanks.
Best Regards
seam-dev mailing list
Jason Porter
Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
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