On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Nikolay Elenkov <nick(a)sarion.co.jp> wrote:
On 2010/02/25 9:19, Jordan Ganoff wrote:
> To test the Seam 3 JMS module I've been using JBoss
> Arquillian:
http://community.jboss.org/en/arquillian. It's extremely
> easy to use and has been working for in container testing on JBoss AS
> 6.0.0.M1 and now M2. The guys heading up Arquillian have been working
> hard on it.
That's a bit off topic for this thread, but where is the JMS module? I
find it in svn.
For now it's all local. I'm still waiting on svn access. I'm in the
process of cleaning a few things up and once I do I'll post what I have to
github. I'll send out another update when it's ready.
seam-dev mailing list
Jordan Ganoff