2011/3/15 Jason Porter <lightguard.jp(a)gmail.com>
We talked about this a few meetings ago. Sorry we did not make a
Yep, we meant to post it to seam-dev, so consider this the announcement :)
We're migrating to the JBoss Community (and JBoss AS7) formatting
more common to JBoss in particular and to Java in general.
Correct. The JBoss AS7 team decided to establish these formatting rules for
our flagship project and encouraged others to follow suit. The formatting is
basically the same as the Java standard conventions with some tweaks that we
consider corrections for consistency (as noted in our readme [1]).
Seam has always had a rather eclectic formatting style. Many developers have
requested that we align more closely with the norm so that it's easier to
create patches without breaking whitespace. The request is very reasonable
and I believe that was a key motivation in the AS7 team deciding on these
rules. Consider it the new JBoss Community standard (though we can only
worry about what we do).
Before it was as you suggested, but we have decided to switch. Enforcement
is something we haven't talked about (via checkstyle, code review, etc) but
we probably should at some point in the near future.
As the wiki mentions [2], we are in the process of enforcing the switch now.
We just didn't want the task to distract the progress towards Seam 3, so we
are asking module leads to do it at their earliest convenience. The goal is
to have it done for 3.0.0.Final.
p.s. Seam Servlet and Seam Catch are converted.
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597