timezone change?
by Bill Burke
Did UK change timezone this week?
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc.
17 years, 11 months
.esb + jbossesb-properties.xml ???
by Tom Fennelly
Hi guys.
I was having an issue which had all the hallmarks of the PropertyManager
not being able to find the jbossesb-properties.xml. As it turned out,
it was finding "one", but not the "one" in the .esb archive (the TB uses
the PropertyManager for properties). Instead, it's picking up the
jbossesb-properties.xml from the jbossesb.sar.
Any suggestions for a fix for this? I can hack it by getting the TB
deplyment to overwrite the jbossesb.sar version for the file, but that's
poo :-) I also tried scoping the .esb, but it didn't work (is this
disabled now Bill?).
17 years, 11 months
configuration editor
by Mark Little
I'm going to be moving the config editor over from a workspace to the
branch. Hopefully this won't affect anyone else working in the tools
dir (Tom?)
17 years, 11 months
JIRA talk
by Mark Little
I've seen some useful design discussions going on in JIRA recently.
Rather than lose them can we take such talk to the forum and cross
link from there?
17 years, 11 months
large files and FTP
by Bill Burke
Have we tested ESB's FTP stuff with a really large file? I'm mostly
concerned about the FTP server itself. Does it create the file in the
user's server directory? And will the ESB service pick up this file
before it has completed upload?
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc.
17 years, 11 months
documentation updates
by Mark Little
There have been so many changes to the codebase over the past couple
of weeks that I'm concerned the documentation we have may be out of
date. Can everyone take a look at the docs if you think anything
you've done could affect them?
17 years, 11 months
ftp server integrated
by Bill Burke
FTP Server is integrated into distribution build and qa/junit tests both
in HEAD and MP1.
$ cd product/
$ ant dist
$ ant -f build-distr.xml
$ cd ../qa/junit
$ ant jars
$ ant -Dtest=server/ftp one-test
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc.
17 years, 12 months
Code changes
by Kevin Conner
Please hold off committing any changes against HEAD.
I am trying to make performance related changes to the HEAD source code
with the intent of moving this into the MP1 release if it can be done in
time for the release. This has precedence over other changes atm.
17 years, 12 months
JBoss Remoting 2.2.0 GA releases
by Mark Little
Tom Elrod has just released the 2.2.0GA with our required bug fix.
Still waiting for the updates JBoss Messaging.
17 years, 12 months