I checked out the filters code and I think it's a great idea. The only problem I had was that I couldn't get back to the actual file name that came off the file system or FTP server. It looked like the EPR reflected in the getFrom() method on Call was always the ESB-aware JMS one rather than the gateway itself, so the message props injected by the MetaDataFilter reflected that. I ended up adding code into AbstractFileGateway in the loop where messages are created from the file list since that is used by both file and FTP gateways. Was that the right place to put it?
I'll go ahead and create the JIRA task and wait up on checking in the code until I hear back.
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"sergeypk" wrote : I have a question. Do we want to spend time automating those tests so that we can for example leave them running for the night, or is it fine to just make them work to be able to get some results from time to time?
Ideally we should have these automated, but I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, so for now, just getting results ad hoc is sufficient.
anonymous wrote :
| Also, do we want to spend time finding out why QPid and ActiveMQ don't work with our tests?
Perhaps ActiveMQ is throttling? Many messaging providers have "quotas" or "flow control" where a particular user is only allowed to send a max. of x messages per sec.
I wouldn't spend too long on this either.
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