[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Deployment redeploy
by scott.stark@jboss.org
"alesj" wrote :
| That's our constant debate, how to diff between archive and directory in vfs? :-)
Its not a debate, there is no difference in terms of the VFS api. Further, there is no distinction between a child directory that is simply a container and an exploded deployment. That is information that is only known by the structure deployers. I'm running into this as part of JBAS-5689 where I see that messaging/jms-ds.xml does not show up in the profile deployments. Rather just the parent messaging directory does and it has subdeployments.
Maybe we need an attributed file system extension to VirtualFile so further information like content-type and deployment type could be added. With that you would be able to distinguish between an archive and directory, and not have to rerun the structural deployers to figure out what something is.
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16 years, 6 months
[Design of JBoss Profiler] - Re: Installed profiler today... Now what?
by birwin
Thanks for you comment. I ran startProfiler yesterday. It ran for about 10 seconds and then it just re-displayed the prompt. As I understand it, the profiler should write a log file that can then be analyzed by something. Honestly, I thought the readme was very conusing to someone who had never profiled an application before.
I am guessing the agent is the piece that runs on the server and will collect method execution time, memory usage, etc...
I am not sure what "Running the example" means from the readme.txt file.
I am assuming "Running the Client" means that it will collect the data the server is spewing out as it runs. The output of the client I am assuming is a file of some sort that can be analyzed by something else or possibly the client itself. I am not sure.
Anyway, as I said before I ran startProfiler and it ended... The server is running with the profiler enabled. Is there some sort of documentation other than the readme.txt for someone who knows nothing about this and needs a clue?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4161832#4161832
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16 years, 6 months