[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Abstract Beans JBKERNEL-10
by marius.bogoevici
Since parsing is done using JAXB, I think we still need to use a Collection (Set is alright, although it does not take advantage of any uniqueness feature of PropertyMetaData). Maps would be mapping somehow differently in JAXB, and AFAICT you can't actually use a HashMap per se as the mapped property, much less so a LinkedHashMap.
I would rather think of using a set for JAXB and a map internally, something like this:
| ...
| @XmlTransient
| private Map<Object, PropertyMetaData> propertyMetaData = ;
| public void setPropertyMetaData(Set<PropertyMetaData> parsedProperties) {
| this.propertyMetaData = new LinkedHashMap();
| <add all the elements of parsedProperties into the Map>
| }
| @XmlElement("property")
| public Set<PropertyMetaData> getPropertyMetaData() {
| return new HashSet<PropertyMetaData>(this.propertyMetaData.values();
| }
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15 years, 6 months