[jBPM Development] - JBPM MultipleHuman Task..Task server restart not propagate the flow to next human task
by Deepraj Sawalkar
Deepraj Sawalkar [https://community.jboss.org/people/deepraj] created the discussion
"JBPM MultipleHuman Task..Task server restart not propagate the flow to next human task"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/819826#819826
I have created one multiple human task in JBPM 5. The first human Task is "Financial Accounting Approval Task" having ActorId "#{finApprover}" and the second one is "Manger …
[View More]Approval Task" having ActorId "#{manager}".
When I run the MibBpmServiceProvider.java it successfully run the process and Task is shiowing as pending to FinancialApprover. Then complete the task then it is shiowing as pending to Manager. Then Manager can complete the task. It goes fine in this scenario.
Now the problem occours
1. I run the MibBpmServiceProvider.java it successfully run the process and Task is shiowing as pending to FinancialApprover.
2. *Now I stop the server which means stops the MinaTaskServer*.
3. Now I start the Task server again.
4. Check from Human Task View Editor there I found it is pending to FinancialApprover.
5. Start the task -> Complete the task for FinancialApprover.
6. Now Task is not in queue for FinancialApprover. *When I check the same task for Manager then I am not finding that task in Manager queue.*
*The issue occurs only when the task is pending to first human task and then stop the task server and start the task server and trying to exceute the first human task not propagate the flow to the next human task.*
I am attaching the bpmn file along with the bpmn image and java class. Can you please help me to sort out this issue.
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11 years, 7 months
[jBPM Development] - Re: Integration of Human Task Service into Distributed Application
by Mauricio Salatino
Mauricio Salatino [https://community.jboss.org/people/salaboy21] created the discussion
"Re: Integration of Human Task Service into Distributed Application"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/824717#824717
HI Mikhail,
This is a great time for you to get involved in evolving what we have. As far as I know due time limitations we will not be able to provide the features that you want for 6.0, maybe …
[View More]for 6.1.
We should be able, with the help of community members like you to evolve what is being provided out of the box in jbpm6 to provide more advanced features.
As far as I understood for your email you want to deploy your app in Tomcat, and at the same time you wanted to have all the features provided by a EE container such as JBoss which is ready for more enterprise things like handling XA resources and transaction components such as MDBs. Nowadays JBoss is extremelily modular, so you can enable the web profile plus all the other components that you need and disable all the ones that you don't. I will always recommed to go with JMS if transactions are heavly involved in your scenario.
I guess that we can find a way to remove the dependency to MDBs if that's what you need, but you will need to solve in some other ways the features provided by such components.
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11 years, 7 months