Nitin Gupta [] created the discussion
"Re: Human Task are not getting assigned"
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actually its not related with any process. its giveing problem with almost all process
where human task is involve. my first doubt is :
as per the instruction @ we need to create two
database schema one is jbpm5 and other one is task, in my case only jbpm5 gets popluated,
is it ok? task schema remains empty,
what i have notice is configration for task schema is done in
jbpm-installer\task-service\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml and when we start demo with
ant command (ant start.demo), in the build.xml, it is not executing start.human.task which
starts task service, further more in the
jbpm-installer\task-service\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml, there is mapping file
<mapping-file>META-INF/Taskorm.xml</mapping-file> @ line no 11, but actually
this file not exist. when i am trying to execute the following, i am getting this.
d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer>ant start.human.task
Buildfile: d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer\build.xml
[javac] d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer\build.xml:865
: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=las
t; set to false for repeatable builds
[java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation
[java] EntityManagerFactory cannot be resolved to a type
[java] Persistence cannot be resolved
[java] TaskService cannot be resolved to a type
[java] TaskService cannot be resolved to a type
[java] SystemEventListenerFactory cannot be resolved
[java] TaskServiceSession cannot be resolved to a type
[java] User cannot be resolved to a type
[java] User cannot be resolved to a type
[java] TaskService cannot be resolved
[java] User cannot be resolved to a type
[java] Group cannot be resolved to a type
[java] Group cannot be resolved to a type
[java] TaskService cannot be resolved
[java] Group cannot be resolved to a type
[java] UserGroupCallbackManager cannot be resolved
[java] MinaTaskServer cannot be resolved to a type
[java] MinaTaskServer cannot be resolved to a type
[java] at org.jbpm.DemoTaskService.main(
[java] Java Result: 1
Total time: 1 second
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