Seam 3: webbeans-logging/webbeans-logger
by Pete Muir
You should probably depend on webbeans-logger, not webbeans-logging (-
logging simply provides the logging core, so that the RI can depend on
it, -logger is the portable module).
15 years, 9 months
build before restore
by Ian Michell
Hi All,
I'm new to the list...
Hash anyone noticed that the facelet parameter BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE breaks
pageflow (as in, using a normal JSF form refuses to continue run the
pageflow)? Once the parameter is removed from the web xml pageflow starts
working again.
I'm not sure if I should raise this in Jira as it's not really got a lot to
do with seam itself but seems from my own research that facelets is doing
something funny with the view state or killing the old one...
15 years, 9 months
2.1.2 tagged
by Norman Richards
Seam 2.1.2 is tagged. Please get with me before committing anything
to the 2_1 branch. I'm thinking to create the 2_2 branch on monday
when we've fdone a little more release testing, but if anyone is
itching to check things in for 2.2, I can make it sooner.
15 years, 9 months
Seam uses the good old Hibernate 3.2 series
by Emmanuel Bernard
Can we upgrade to Hibernate 3.3 and if yes on which branch? Denis
don't seem to have issues with seam 2.1.2 + hibernate 3.3.1 + slf4j +
log4j + jcl-over-slf4j.jar.
PS: this would unleash Hibernate Search 3.1 (which needs Core 3.3)
15 years, 9 months
"Uptodate" WebBeans presentation for Jazoon Cutting Edge 20-min talk ?
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I'm going to submit a few 20-min talks to Jazoon on Eclipse Galileo
3.5/JBoss Tools 3.1
but also wanted to do a shout-out for WebBeans (deadline this week).
I got a slideset from when Pete and I were in Copenhagen (8 months ago)
which I used at JAOO;
but I got a feeling a good set of things changed since then.
Anyone got a more uptodate deck I could reduce down to 20 min or at
least use to update the
deck I have ?
Thanks in advance,
15 years, 9 months
Seam 3: Java 5 support
by Pete Muir
We should probably maintain Java 5 support for Seam 3 - I see some
Java 6 deps creeping in (like the java.util.ServiceLoader in bridge-
15 years, 9 months