Stafeful services directly from the JSF VS "ViewBean" + stateless service
by José Rodolfo Freitas
CDI created the possibility to reach any bean in the container from a JSF
view, encouraging a closer approach between ejb and jsf (or any cdi bean
and jsf), which can potentially lead to a simpler application design. I
think that is great!
However, I'm observing that this new programming model has been
experimenting user resistance. The "traditional" way of doing things, using
a "ViewBean" accessing a Stateless Service seems to be the
more legit.
What do you think about this? I'd like to discuss best practices around it
as I see it's on the core of almost every web application design.
13 years, 2 months
Seam 3.1 announcement
by Shane Bryzak
Hi module leads,
I'll shortly be starting on the Seam 3.1 announcement, and to describe
what's changed between 3.0 and 3.1 I'd like to include a short paragraph
on each of the modules. This is totally voluntary, but if your module
has some cool new features that have been added for the 3.1 release
could you please send me a short description of what's new. For brand
new modules, could you please send me a paragraph describing what your
module does and which problems it will solve/features it will provide
for Seam users.
13 years, 2 months
Meeting 2011-12-14
by Jason Porter
Sorry everyone for last week, my reminder didn't change for DST here so it
was an hour off. I have things set correctly now. Let's go with the same
agenda as last time.
- 3.1.0.Final (10 minutes)
- Topics from the community (TBD)
- DeltaSpike and Seam 3 relationship (remainder)
- Apache ICLA and wiki registration
Jason Porter
Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
PGP key id: 926CCFF5
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13 years, 2 months