Re: [seam-dev] Seam 3
by Peter Royle
Hi Dave,
Just from the brief look I've had at this is looks very impressive. I would love to help out with Seam 3 compatibility. I have a task to document the Seam Cron SPIs, and the process for providing a new implementation. Once I have done that I will let you know (you might like to watch this task as well: If you want to get started right away the existing Quartz Scheduling implementation should be a good place to start: . Due to the very limited functionality of Cron right now, implementing a new provider is fairly straightforward. I recommend checking out and building the whole project as described here (, then digging into the code. Hit me up on the mailing list or #seam-dev on freenode IRC for any questions.
Obviously Seam Cron lacks most of the functionality provided by QueuJ. In those cases I would love to bring that functionality into the Seam Cron API, with QueuJ being the first provider to implement those features. Since you know the QueueJ feature set better than I do, it would be great if you could raise JIRA issues for each bit of functionality offered by QueuJ but not covered by the Seam cron API/SPI.
I hope you don't mind I've CC'd the seam-dev mailing list to let them know there's something awesome going on. If you haven't already joined that list it would be great if you did.
Pete Royle
On 21/06/2011, at 3:22 PM, Dave Oxley wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Over the last 6 or so years I've developed a Java job queue library as part of a proprietary framework for the company I work for. I was recently given permission to split the code from the framework and open source it. I've added a compatibility layer for Seam 2 as I know Seam 2 fairly well. I haven't had a chance to learn Seam 3 yet but would like to add Seam 3 compatibility to the library as well.
> Anyway I thought I'd email you as I see that you're the lead for Seam Cron which has a partial crossover in goals with my library and therefore I thought you may be interested in it and/or would like to help out or even just point me in the right direction.
> The library is called QueuJ and is hosted on sourceforge here:
> And this is the package with the Seam 2 compatibility code:
> Cheers,
> Dave Oxley.
13 years, 7 months
Summary of a tentative to run seam-booking (from Seam 3 CR3) on WebSphere v8 beta
by Denis Forveille
Here is a summary of the problems I had while trying to run seam-booking (from seam CR3) in websphere v8 beta (march refresh)
I was not able to start the applications
I will make another tentative when the next release os Seam 3 will be out
Some of the JIRA are already resolved.
PS: For those who would like to try to do the same thing, edit file <app_install_dir>/properties/ in WAS and
remove references to packag org.jboss.seam in this file before deploying the app.
Class org.jboss.seam.transaction.TransactionManagerSynchronizations contains an annotation @Remove but this class in not a SFSB..
Exception javax.enterprise.inject.UnproxyableResolutionException: WebBeans with api type with normal scope must be proxiable to inject.
javax.el.ExpressionFactory has final methods! CDI doesn't allow that.
---> SOLDER-99
File WEB-INF/seam-beans.xml has problems:
java.lang.Exception: Could not resolve node specializes in namespace urn:java:seam:core at
at org.jboss.seam.config.xml.bootstrap.XmlConfigExtension.beforeBeanDiscovery(
---> SEAMXML-40
Seam-transaction (TransactionExtension) depends on slf4j instead of jboss-logging as the other modules
Version mismatch between sl4j jars:
- slf4j-api.jar is at version 1.6.1
- slf4j-log4j12.jar is at version 1.5.10
---> SEAM-55
Extension that have their constructor in scope "package" instead of "public" that makes the initialization to fail in WAS :
- org.jboss.seam.servlet.ServletExtension
- org.jboss.seam.servlet.logging.TypedMessageBundleAndLoggerExtension
- org.jboss.seam.solder.logging.TypedMessageLoggerExtension
- org.jboss.seam.solder.messages.TypedMessageBundleExtension
- org.jboss.seam.solder.serviceHandler.ServiceHandlerExtension
---> SOLDER-90 created by Dan
---> SEAMSERVLET-31 created by Dan
File META-INF/beans.xml in seam-conversation-spi.jar does not conform to beans.xml file schema
---> no JIRA created
Missing jars:
- ocpsoft-pretty-time.jar
- prettyfaces-jsf2.jar
- commons-beanutils.jar
- commons-digester
---> SEAM-56
13 years, 7 months
writing test cases
by Jack Cheng
I'd like to help out by writing more unit tests for the modules to increase
code coverage.
are there any particular guidelines I need to follow or any materials I need
to read up on before diving into this task?
13 years, 7 months
Cron Configurabilities
by Pete Royle
There are some things that I would like to make configurable for a Cron
provider (eg: threadpool size for the Quartz scheduling provider). So
for example, say there was a @ThreadPool(size=10) annotation, should I:
(a) Add that the API and ignore it for providers who don't use it
(b) Only add it to the provider which uses it, and the provider chooses
the package/class name
(c) Same as (b) but provider must use standardised package/class name
I like (c) the most followed by (b), but I think there's a chance for
conflict. Quartz is a provider for both scheduling and asynchronous.
Assuming both have configurable thread pools, there would be 2
@ThreadPool annotations on the classpath. If their package names differ
(b), developer confusion will likely ensue. If the package names are the
same (c), classloading confusion will ensue.
I will also support having these options in the file,
but the same questions of naming and convention will apply there too.
Opinions appreciated.
13 years, 7 months
Extended validation constraints
by Shane Bryzak
Hi Gunnar,
I had an idea today for a new validation constraint called @WebSafe - in
summary what it would do is validate a rich text value provided by the
user to ensure that it contains no malicious code, such as embedded
<script> elements. The implementation for this would use JTidy to
convert the value to a DOM tree, after which it would walk the nodes of
the tree and locate any <script> tags, and if any are present the
validation would fail.
Anyway, the implementation isn't so important - what I was wondering
though is whether you think something like this would be useful to have
in the Seam Validation module. I tend to think that it would be (and we
can probably come up with quite a few other useful validation
constraints also) but I would like to know what you think about this.
13 years, 7 months
Proposal for new Seam Module
by George Gastaldi
I´ve been working on some projects along with CDI, and I had the pain
to work in native code (JNI) to access low-level functions.
Anyway, I have found to be very useful, and maybe
turn that into a new Seam Module (Seam Native, maybe ?), so that
people may access JNI easily and use CDI for their tasks.
What do you guys think ?
George Gastaldi
13 years, 7 months