  • 38 participants
  • 42 discussions
Re: [seam-dev] Seam 3
by Peter Royle
13 years, 7 months
Summary of a tentative to run seam-booking (from Seam 3 CR3) on WebSphere v8 beta
by Denis Forveille
13 years, 7 months
Cancelling the meeting this week
by Jason Porter
13 years, 7 months
writing test cases
by Jack Cheng
13 years, 7 months
@WebSafe annotation
by George Gastaldi
13 years, 7 months
Agenda for 2011-06-15 2100 UTC
by Jason Porter
13 years, 7 months
Cron Configurabilities
by Pete Royle
13 years, 7 months
Schedule for the agenda?
by Jason Porter
13 years, 7 months
Extended validation constraints
by Shane Bryzak
13 years, 7 months
Proposal for new Seam Module
by George Gastaldi
13 years, 7 months
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