2.1.2 release
by Norman Richards
Testing is done now. There are a couple of minor cleanup tasks, but
I'll be doing the final build later today for a monday release. I'll
also be creating the 2.2 branch later today.
15 years, 8 months
Fwd: hudson.jboss.org tidying
by Pete Muir
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ondřej Skutka <oskutka(a)redhat.com>
> Date: 3 June 2009 14:15:56 BST
> To: Pete Muir <pmuir(a)bleepbleep.org.uk>
> Subject: hudson.jboss.org tidying
> Hi!
> David managed to tidy up the Seam view of hudson.jboss.org. He used a
> regular expression, so if you ever plan to create a new job, make sure
> it starts with Seam (or WebBeans).
> Ondra
15 years, 8 months
Fwd: Multiverse (STM) project interesting for JBoss/Redhat?
by Gavin King
Interesting, I suppose....
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Veentjer <alarmnummer(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Multiverse (STM) project interesting for JBoss/Redhat?
To: gavin.king(a)gmail.com
Hi Gavin,
you probably don't know me, but the last 8 months I have been working
on a Software Transactional Memory implementation, because I think
STM's are going to be a very important tool in the toolbox in the
coming years. Old school concurrency is way to complex for designing
complex systems and working with transaction just feels a lot more
natural for most developers. The project I'm working on is called
And the goal is to create an STM with Hibernate/JPA like semantics
(most developers understand this model.. so it makes acceptance a lot
easier). If you check the backlog, you can see what the planned
features are:
The big problem is that I have to do all development in my spare time
(every morning, evening, weekend) and I'm probably going to take 2
months off (out of my own pocket) to work full time on it if my
employer agrees. But I don't think this approach has a sustainable
future, so I'm looking for:
- an environment where I can continue to develop on this project
- an inspiring community of other smart developers working on cool
stuff (I have met Manik from JBoss Cache/Infinispan and that is a good
example of a smart and inspired guy).
So do you think JBoss/Redhat is interested in this project and if
there is an opportunity for me to work full time on this project?
My blog can be found here:
Gavin King
15 years, 8 months
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15 years, 8 months