Hi all!
I've been working on Seam 3 tutorials and examples. I decided to do a
'multitask' approach. There are lots of people trying to learn Seam 3, since
totally JEE newbies until JEE experts. So I decided to work on 3 levels of
tutorials/examples at the same time...
1. Some stuf for absolute beginners - check it
I talk about Seam Forge, creating a Seam 3 project, I intend to write
about CDI, ...)
2. Intermediate - Starting with the call 4 papers app (which I called
Call4All - github project here <
https://github.com/hannelita/call4all> - I
will be commiting code this weekend), I am writing about Seam 3 features,
how to use them into this project, ... - check the post
I might work into other examples soon. I do accept some help on that -
commits are always welcome :)
3. Some enhanced app - A Seam 3 proposal for the Smart
Tasks<https://github.com/Salaboy/emergency-service-drools-app>app from
@salaboy <
http://twitter.com/salaboy>;. It's a little bit more complex app,
involving some other technologies like jbpm, infinispan, hornetq and other
concepts about event processing. You can read more about it
My fork here <
So, what do you think?
Sorry if I'm too slow to do this work :/
I'm trying to write posts (usually telling stupid stories), because my blog
experience tells that users prefer information that involves them into
reading... Most of technical failures after following instructions of a
tutorial is not because the tutorial is wrong or missing something, but
because user skipped some steps or could not understand what he actually
should do... Thats why I think it's important to have a newbie session with
really detailed (with pictures!) session!
Finally i will try to connect the content of the posts - The characters, the
stories and the example projects, as I did with confbuzz and the Call4All
The posts are not finished yet, I will release and improve them everyday. :)
I also wrote a
I'd be glad if you could send me some feedback if it's good or not. Hope to
do the kind of job you expected! :)
So, if you take a look and say it's ok, I'll start tweeting about it!
Hanneli Carolina Andreazzi Tavante
Unifei - Universidade Federal de Itajubá
10º Período - Engenharia da Computação