XML-Relational SOAP Connector (after the move to the CXF) it only
supports executing "Document-Literal" style web services.
XML-Source SOAP Connector is using Axis as the client library supports
the "JAX-RPC" and as well as "Document-Literal" style web services.
As I am working to combine these both connectors into one JBoss WS
(native) and using only JAX-WS. Looks like JAX-WS only supports the
"doc-literal" style.
A question raised by SteveH is that since Teiid is an integration engine
it should support connections to legacy technologies such as JAX-RPC to
meet the user needs.
One option here is move the XML Connectors to the JAX-WS style, then
provide another connector that can be to JBoss ESB, where user can
choose to implement any kind of transport. Teiid team would like to put
this on the road map irrespective of this particular need, however the
question is if this will satisfy the needs of our users?