We have been wrestling with the best way to implement a RESTFul interface to a VDB. Here
are the options we have come up with to date:
1. Create a hook to procedures to allow a mapping from HTTP verbs to procedures in a model
within a VDB. This war would be generated from Designer and there would be one war per
Example... if I have a procedure name rgetBooks() the procedure would map to a GET at
URI=/books and would return all books (assuming that the procedure was written correctly)
2. Create a single war that would have pre-defined URIs for table access for any JDBC
connection. Multiple connections could be supported within the same war based on the URI.
The JNDI names would be entered by the user in a properties file or some analogous
Example URI=/{dbschema}/{catalog}/{table}?column1=value would return the record
corresponding to "value" in the target table
Procedures could also be supported in this manner.
3. Another option would be to generate the war discussed in option 2 from Designer to
eliminate the need for the user to hand edit a properties file.
There are pros and cons for all the options. 1 puts more onus on the user but 2/3 are
definitely the more complicated solutions and they require intimate knowledge of the
underlying metadata.
Please respond with your feedback on these proposed solutions and feel free to add other