Lin Gao [] created the discussion
"Re: IronJacamar RHQ plugin development"
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This is the view of the ManagedConnectionFactory defined in resource: notransaction.rar.
There is only one config property defined in this resource.
For the WeakReference issue, I am sure the .rar resources have the managed connection
factories defined, and they are deployed without prolbems after debugging, I will research
more on this issue to figure out any clue.
For the config-property defined in the ManagedConnectionFactory, does any of the
config-property definition in ra.xml match one instance variable in the
ManagedConnectionFactory Java class? In the example:
there will be a method:
public String getMyStringProperty(){
return this.myStringProperty;
defined in the associated ManagedConnectionFactory or AdminObject class.
If so, how to do if we want to add new config-property using this plugin?
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