  • 16 participants
  • 42 discussions
3.1-M1 - Can't get rules to build
by Tom Gonzalez
17 years, 9 months
Bugs/Problems with 3.1.0M1
by Wolfgang Betz
17 years, 10 months
allowing self joining combinations
by Michael Neale
17 years, 11 months
ClassFieldInspector and Groovy Classes
by Terry Laurenzo
17 years, 11 months
Persistent store and web administration
by Schwenker, Stephen
17 years, 11 months
Persistent store and web administration
by Schwenker, Stephen
17 years, 11 months
quick design ideas re deployment to runtimes (rule agent)
by Michael Neale
17 years, 12 months
drools eclipse reorg
by Mark Proctor
18 years
Fact counts in drools
by Jim Majure
18 years
Another big refactor for BRMS - FYI (for people who build from source)
by Michael Neale
18 years
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