Rule's duration attribute will change rule fire sequence?
by jason
When I running TroubleTicketExample in Drools4.0. I make follow change:
1) comment "t3.setStatus( "Done" );" and "session.update( ft3, t3 );"
in file.
2) Comment rule "Escalate" and "Done" in TroubleTicket.drl
3) Change three ". Priority" rule's duration to 1000 , for the
"Platinum Priority" rule need add duration attribute
We know the sequence which Ticket object insert is ABCD, so if no duration
the ". Priority" rule fire and print sequence should be DCBA. But when I
used the duration I found actual sequence change to ADCB. The last A be
changed the first order. Even I use salience specify the sequence to DCBA,
it still run in ADCB sequence. It seems the duration canceled salience
affect, and change the last rule to first fire.
I think it is a bug , is it ?
Jason Wang
17 years, 5 months
RuleML-2007 Challenge - Extended Deadlines, 7th/17th August
by Adrian Paschke
[Apologies for multiple postings]
-- Extended Deadlines: August 7th/17th --
RuleML-2007 Challenge: Rule Technology Showcase
October, 25th, 2007 - Orlando, Florida
With its unique emphasis on the practical use of rule technologies in
distributed Web-based environments, RuleML-2007 will feature a Challenge
with a focus on rule applications and rule-based tools. The challenge
offers participants a unique possibility to demonstrate their commercial
or open source tools, use cases, and applications.
Those demo paper submissions that are received by August 7th, and
accepted, will participate in the Challenge and be published in the
Springer LNCS Proceedings.
Those that are received a little later, but by August 17th very latest,
and accepted, will participate in the Challenge and may be considered
for publication in the Proceedings.
Submissions of demo papers (3-5 pages) for the RuleML-2007 Challenge can
be sent to
ruleml2007 AT
The RuleML-2007 Challenge is being held as part of the International
RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007: - to be held in Orlando, Florida, on 25th/26th
October, in co-location with the 10th Business Rules Forum.
RuleML-2007 is devoted to practical distributed rule technologies and
rule-based applications which need language standards for rules
operating in the context of, e.g., the Semantic Web, Web 2.0/3.0,
Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems, Event-Driven Architectures and
Service-Oriented Computing Applications.
For more information please visit:
Sincerely Yours,
Adrian Paschke
(RuleML-2007 Co-Chair)
17 years, 5 months