Javadoc 6.0.0 Beta 3
by Wolfgang Laun
org.kie.api.builder Interface Include
Invites the simple question: why is it here?
org.kie.api.builder Interface KieFileSystem
in memory => memory-resident
org.kie.api.builder Interface ReleaseId
convetions => conventions
org.kie.api.builder.model Interface KieBaseModel
Here "package pattern" or "package (pattern)" occurs repeatedly.
"Pattern" according to which definition of "pattern"...?
org.kie.api.builder.model Interface …
[View More]KieSessionModel
ClockTypeOption getClockType()
Returns the EqualityBehavior of this KieSessionModel
... ClockTypeOption ...
KieSessionModel setClockType(ClockTypeOption clockType)
Sets the EqualityBehavior for this KieSessionModel. Default is realtime
... ClockTypeOption ...
and add it to
and adds it to
(2 times)
org.kie.api.command Interface KieCommands
Typically more than one Command will want to be executed, where is where
the BatchExecution comes in, which takes a List of commands, think of it
as CompositeCommand.
The entire sentence ought to be rewritten without bloopers by someone
who knows what's going on.
org.kie.api.conf Enum EqualityBehaviorOption
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME
The property name for the sequential mode option
The property name for the equality behavio(u)r option
org.kie.api.conf Enum EventProcessingOption
drools.eventProcessingMode = <identity|equality>
??? (but certainly NOT identity, equality)
reasoning over absence of events (NOT CE), automatically adds an
appropriate duration attribute to the rule in order to avoid early
rule firing.
memory management techniques may be employed when an event no longer
can match other events due to session clock continuous increment.
Please, please, have someone who can express the consequences lucidly
rewrite this - it's too important.
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME
The property name for the sequential mode option
...event processing option
org.kie.api.conf Enum MBeansOption
option. kie.mbeans = <enabled|disabled> DEFAULT = false
DEFAULT = ...???
org.kie.api.event.kiebase Interface KieBaseEventListener
void beforeProcessAdded(BeforeProcessAddedEvent event)
Method called before a process is removed from the knowledge base
void afterProcessAdded(AfterProcessAddedEvent event)
Method called after a function is removed from the knowledge base
process is added
void beforeProcessRemoved(BeforeProcessRemovedEvent event)
Method called before a function is removed from the knowledge base
void afterProcessRemoved(AfterProcessRemovedEvent event)
Method called after a function is removed from the knowledge base
org.kie.api.event.kiebase Class DefaultKieBaseEventListener
see (10), probably just "inherited"
[View Less]
11 years, 9 months
Re: [rules-dev] [rules-users] No eval with backward chaining?
by Wolfgang Laun
Below is a self-contained DRL file where Drools crashes during evaluation
at runtime, even though it compiles and appears to be correct.
package pythagoras;
rule "kickoff"
salience 100
for( Integer i: new Integer[]{3,4,5,12,13 } ){
insert( i );
rule "find triple forward"
Integer( $a: intValue )
Integer( $b: intValue > $a )
Integer( $c: intValue > $b )
eval( $a*$a + $b*$b == $c*$c )
System.out.println( "fwd: " + $a + " " + $b + " " …
[View More]+ $c );
query isTriple( Integer $a, Integer $b, Integer $c )
Integer( intValue == $a )
Integer( intValue == $b && > $a )
Integer( intValue == $c && > $b )
eval( $a*$a + $b*$b == $c*$c )
rule "find triple backward"
isTriple( $a, $b, $c; )
System.out.println( "bwd: " + $a + " " + $b + " " + $c );
On 21/06/2013, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)> wrote:
> Can you submit a pull request against master, 6.x, with the test. Put it in
> BackwardChainingTest. We'll back port the test and fix to 5.x.
> thanks
> Mark
> On 21 Jun 2013, at 16:00, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)> wrote:
>> Trying to use eval in a query for backward chaining causes a runtime
>> crash running Drools 5.5.0. Looks like a bug. The details:
>> Given some Integer objects as facts,
>> rule "find triple forward"
>> when
>> Integer( $a: intValue )
>> Integer( $b: intValue > $a )
>> Integer( $c: intValue > $b )
>> eval( $a*$a + $b*$b == $c*$c )
>> then
>> System.out.println( "fwd: " + $a + " " + $b + " " + $c );
>> end
>> finds Pythagorean triples.
>> But
>> query isTriple( Integer $a, Integer $b, Integer $c )
>> Integer( intValue == $a )
>> Integer( intValue == $b && > $a )
>> Integer( intValue == $c && > $b )
>> eval( $a*$a + $b*$b == $c*$c )
>> end
>> intended to be used in combination with
>> rule "find triple backward"
>> when
>> isTriple( $a, $b, $c; )
>> then
>> System.out.println( "bwd: " + $a + " " + $b + " " + $c );
>> end
>> causes a nasty runtime error (although DRL compilation succeeds):
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>> pythagoras.Rule_isTriple_17ac16f7237046ee9562afce35dfe174.eval0(III)Z
>> at
>> pythagoras.Rule_isTriple_17ac16f7237046ee9562afce35dfe174Eval0InvokerGenerated.evaluate(Unknown
>> Source)
>> at
>> pythagoras.Rule_isTriple_17ac16f7237046ee9562afce35dfe174Eval0Invoker.evaluate(Unknown
>> Source)
>> at org.drools.rule.EvalCondition.isAllowed(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.EvalConditionNode.assertLeftTuple(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.SingleLeftTupleSinkAdapter.doPropagateAssertLeftTuple(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.SingleLeftTupleSinkAdapter.propagateAssertLeftTuple(
>> at org.drools.reteoo.JoinNode.propagateFromRight(
>> at org.drools.reteoo.JoinNode.assertObject(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.doPropagateAssertObject(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.CompositeObjectSinkAdapter.propagateAssertObject(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode.assertObject(
>> at
>> org.drools.reteoo.EntryPointNode.assertObject(
>> at org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(
>> at org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(
>> at
>> org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.insert(
>> at
>> org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.insert(
>> at
>> org.drools.impl.StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl.insert(
>> at pythagoras.Main.makeFacts(
>> at pythagoras.Main.execute(
>> at pythagoras.Main.main(
>> -W
>> _______________________________________________
>> rules-users mailing list
>> rules-users(a)
> _______________________________________________
> rules-users mailing list
> rules-users(a)
[View Less]
11 years, 9 months
Re: [rules-dev] release branches for Beta4 -> Release Delayed
by Edson Tirelli
Just to update everyone, the branches are now tested and stable (thanks
From now on, only cherry-pick fixes into them if:
1. The fix is required for Beta4
2. You are sure it will not break the build
Phreak is still not enabled, we are working to get it working, and we
have to delay the release a little longer. As soon as we have that fixed
and cherry-picked into the Beta4 branch, we will proceed with the release.
Feel free to continue with your work on master, but …
[View More]do try to not break
it, of course.
Thank you,
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Michael Biarnes Kiefer <mbiarnes(a)
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The release branches are created:
> drools, guvnor, etc... : 6.0.0.Beta4.x
> jbpm : 6.0.0.Beta4.x
> uberfire: 0.2.0.Beta4.x (this was branched from the 0.2.x branch not from
> master)
> We will release from these branches, so the masters are not blocked.
> All fixes which have to go in Beta4 release have to be cherry picked by
> the developers.
> Best Regards
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> rules-dev mailing list
> rules-dev(a)
Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss by Red Hat @
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11 years, 9 months
release branches for Beta4
by Michael Biarnes Kiefer
Hi all,
The release branches are created:
drools, guvnor, etc... : 6.0.0.Beta4.x
jbpm : 6.0.0.Beta4.x
uberfire: 0.2.0.Beta4.x (this was branched from the 0.2.x branch not from master)
We will release from these branches, so the masters are not blocked.
All fixes which have to go in Beta4 release have to be cherry picked by the developers.
Best Regards
11 years, 9 months
Why map of DialectRegistry is = 0
by Charles Moulliard
When deploying a drools - spring - camel project on karaf, I get an
exception in this class
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
[View More]PackageBuilder.compileRules(
as the map of the DialectRegistry is equal to 0
What could be the reason of that problem ? Is it because I'm still using
drools-spring ?
Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Architect @RedHat
Twitter : @cmoulliard | Blog :
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11 years, 9 months
6.0.0-Beta3 Download
by Wolfgang Laun
Is it intentional that some sources are missing from the download as
available on I downloaded the
zip from the table line
Drools 6.0.0.Beta3 Drools Expert is the rule engine and Drools Fusion
does complex event processing (CEP). 102,3 MB
File ReadMeDrools.txt tells me, without reservation: "The source jars
are in the sources directory."
11 years, 9 months
commit deadline for Beta4: tonight [19.06.2013]
by Michael Biarnes Kiefer
Hi all,
Due to some limitations of time I want to announce the
commit deadline for the Beta4 release for tonight [19.06.2013].
I will do sanity checks and check if everything is releasable and get in contact with you
if something doesn't build properly.
The last commit I've done (upgrade org.jboss.netty 3.20.Final to io.netty 3.6.2.Final) I have reverted.
I will check if everything works fine and if the kie-wb.war is deployable with this re-change.
If everything works fine I will push the "…
[View More]revert" commit, so that we work again with the org.jboss.netty 3.2.0.Final version.
Sorry for the hurry,
[View Less]
11 years, 9 months
6.0.0 Beta3
by Wolfgang Laun
package org.kie.api.event.kiebase;
import org.kie.api.KieBase;
public interface BeforeKieBaseUnlockedEvent
KieBaseEvent {
KieBase getKieBase(); // <<<<<<<<<
Overriding an inherited method? Looks strange in Javadoc.
11 years, 9 months