I'm trying the IDE now to check for possible remaining problems, but
looking quite good so far.
Added one test to your DRLIncompleteCodeTest that generates a fatal
error on a simple rule fragment:
public void testIncompleteCode12() throws DroolsParserException,
RecognitionException {
String input =
"package a.b.c " +
"import a.b.c.* " +
"rule MyRule" +
" when " +
" m: Message( ) " +
" " +
" then" +
"end ";
DrlParser parser = new DrlParser();
PackageDescr descr = parser.parse(true, input);
assertEquals("a.b.c", descr.getNamespace());
assertEquals("a.b.c.*", ((ImportDescr)
org.drools.compiler.DroolsParserException: Unknown error while
parsing. This is a bug. Please contact the Development team.
at org.drools.compiler.DrlParser.compile(
If I remove the m: the error no longer appears. Could you take a look?
I'll keep you updated if I find any more problems.
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:10 AM, Alexandre Porcelli
<porcelli(a)> wrote:
Hello All,
I made some changes on DrlParser, now all the previus parse methods
signatures has a new one: adding a boolean in front of each signature.
What daes this booleans means? If this boolean is setted to true, it
activates the parse in editor-mode. Editor-mode is focused on editor
integration and it is not well optimized.
So unless you need editor information (like : Location and partial
Descrs) you should not use the editor-mode.
I could provide you additional information for well formed sentences,
but in most cases it just returns Descrs before the first syntax
problem. Check this tes for a better reference on how to use this new
Alexandre Porcelli